Saturday, July 28, 2012


I've been overweight since junior high. I've lost and gained weight over the years. So, what prompted this round of motivation? Well! Let me tell you.
Reasons to Get Healthy/Lose Weight
1.       I started getting heart burn. What twenty-two year old gets heart burn?! That's just scary and makes me wonder what else is my body suffering from?!
2.       I'm not going to lie; looks are a part of my motivation. I'm going to be the maid of honor in my sister's wedding in less than a year. I'm significantly younger than my siblings and their significant others. I'll be standing between my sister and my sister-in-law. My sister-in-law has lost twenty-three pounds! I REFUSE to be the fat kid up there among all the great looking old people!
3.        I hate summer because it’s hot. It’s muggy. It’s sticky. It’s death on a red hot stick. Fat is an insulator, I wonder if I wouldn't hate summer as much if I didn't have fifty pounds of insulation on me?
4.       I've got a lot of things I want to do in my life time so I need all eighty years and then some. If I keep living the unhealthy lifestyle I am now I may not make it to eighty. I even want to go the extra mile and be super healthy so I can live past 80. I think 100 would suffice.:)
5.       I want to honor God and I don't know what this looks like as far as living healthy. I don't remember ever hearing a sermon telling me to eat my veggies. So, I'll be researching this and letting you know what I learn, or bringing you questions. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
6.       My pride. I hate failing and currently I'm failing in the health department. I'm not sure if this is good or bad pride. My gut says bad it is bad pride. Either way it is motivating me until I figure out which it is and what to do about it.
I'm sure there are more reasons that I can't think of off the top of my head. Comment and tell me why you want to be/stay healthy.

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