Thursday, May 9, 2013

AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge: Day 1

So I didn't have my phone for almost a week. Long story. My life is on my phone. Examples: my recipes, my grocery list, ect. Due to that the 24 Day Challenge was put on hold. I finally got my act together on day six of no phone. I did a quick menu plan late at night. The next morning I went shopping. That evening I did some food prep.

Menu Planning
I've never actually planned a menu. Isn't the idea behind it to save money? I tried. I came up with a few three recipes, but mostly just listed food. I didn't try to make a pattern or use same ingredients throughout. Clearly I don't know what I'm doing. So I came up with lunch and dinner ideas for five days then copied and pasted for the next five days. (The cleanse is the first ten days of the 24 Day Challenge.) If you have any tips on meal planning or know of a good app let me know!

Due to my poor meal planning, being unfamiliar with several things on my "list" (random papers and pictures on my phone), and being low on sleep shopping took forever. Fooorever. Fooorever. (Name that movie!)

Answer: The Sandlot

Food Prep
So I was very tired and crabby by the time I got my groceries home. KFC ended up in my car on the way home too. Weird. I know. So I ate KFC then did some meal prep. I measured out fruit servings and put them in baggies. I did the same for almonds and carrots. I looked at my "menu." It said that I would be having fish, veggies, and quinoa for the first meal. So I came up with a marinade for the fish (rice vinegar, a clove of garlic, and fennel seeds).

Pig out
I have eaten like a pig for several weeks now. Even so I felt the need to pig out last night. It wasn't even that good. Then I felt gross. O well. What's done is done and today things will turn around. They better or else. If this 24dc doesn't change my habits then I'll be beside myself. Today went well overall anyway.

Day 1
First I had a bunch of pills and a fiber drink. I might have gagged a few times. I'm a picky eater in the morning. I used to gag on any food in the morning. It took years to make myself like breakfast. Now I can't go without it. About once every six months I'll be in a hurry and skip it then regret skipping. The fiber drink is just for the first ten days. One down nine to go!

Breakfast was a chocolate meal replacement. The flavor was fine, but I forgot to make ice yesterday so it wasn't very smoothie or shake like. I have ice ready for tomorrow though!

Mini meal one was a banana with almond butter and cinnamon. I had never had almond butter. It was fine. I don't see what the big deal is. When this jar is used up I'll be going back to my natural peanut butter.

Lunch was my fish. When I broiled the fish I made the quinoa in the left over marinade (I had to add some water for there to be enough liquid). I sauteed a green and a red pepper in chicken broth. I mixed the peppers with the quinoa. I plopped the fish on top. It was surprisingly good. I'm not big on peppers or fish. I wouldn't be me if I didn't have my own challenges within the 24dc so I came up with some mini goals.

  • Try new foods (especially veggies)
  • Find ways to enjoy/eat more fish
  • NO BEDTIME SNACK! (This one is hard at this moment. Maybe I'll have tea)
Mini meal two was a hard boiled egg and red grapes. I accidentally bought the kind with seeds. I was really grossed out when my grapes kept crunching in my mouth until I figured it out.

Dinner was brown rice, chicken, and cherry tomatoes. I tried to make the rice and chicken have flavor. Well it had flavor all right. I used a lot of lemon juice, a little lemon rind, and two cloves of garlic. WOW! I couldn't eat the rice it was so sour. The chicken was fine, but a little shocking at first. 

I also had two Sparks throughout the day. I'll go into more detail on the products and the plan another day.
Here are some quotes that have been on my mind as I start this challenge.

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