So Saturday I had the day off. I had just gotten myself out of bed to work out. I was on-call for work, but hadn't gotten the phone yet. I got a text from a coworker that said that that the other girl wasn't coming in and no one else could cover the shift. She was having back spasms. Sure she was. Copy cat. So instead of working out I quickly changed out of my workout clothes, packed food, picked up the on-call phone, and got my butt to work. I was not happy.
I went to my cousin's birthday party after work. I did the best I could with what I had. I had a cheeseburger without a bun. I had watermelon, cherry tomatoes, and cabbage salad. The cabbage salad wasn't completely cleanse friendly. I also had a piece of cake. I need to stay on plan 90% so I'm pretty proud of day 3.
Day 4
Normally when I work Sundays I work in the afternoon. Today I worked the morning for the same girl. I woke up when I wanted to leave for work. I literately thanked God that I had my clothes and food picked out already.
After work I went straight to my parents' house for Mother's Day. I totally forgot to get a picture with my mom or grandma. I did however think to take pictures of my hair as my aunt played with it.
I tried to stick to 90% again, but with less success. I started out with a lean steak and cherry tomatoes. I had a piece of cheese cake. I had tea. I had a small piece of cake from yesterday. Later I had another small piece of leftover cake. Later I had a second piece of cheesecake. Even later I had some white as white can be bread.
My family tries to be supportive. When my family gets together it goes like this without fail.
- Big meal
- Conversation at the table after the big meal
- Dessert
- Games
- Leftovers for dinner
- Games and dessert
In the big picture I'll get together with my family and the food situation won't change. I don't want it to change. We bond over the food. I'm convinced we have a little bit of Italian in us because we are loud and love to eat. I asked my mom one time and she said that we didn't. Clearly she is wrong. Anyway I feel like the challenge isn't going well.
- It started late due to not having my brain (phone)
- The food I packed for work went bad in my car
- Two family events in a row

Will you link this up on my blog today at Motivation Monday?
I just saw your comment! I would love to! Am I too late?